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POEM: Sea-Soaked Refrain

Photo "Island in the Mist" by Eva Couet on flickrr

Unbridled wind wings its way

towards my yet-to-be lived life,

sweeping across the forest,

stirring the pine needles from their homes.

As they drop to the ground,

an ancient mariners' song

is faintly heard past the traceable borders.

Awakened into an upward gaze,

I trip over the tree trunks of my heritage.

Though bloody-kneed, I press on

towards the origin of these

faint and distant sea-soaked refrains.

With each slow and deliberate step,

cumbersome baggage

falls off me,

allowing breathable space

for the yearning these

melodies have unearthed,

until I am reunited with

unbreakable keepsakes

from my homeland beyond.


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