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Encounter with God; "I Am the Bread of Life."

I wanted to share a very special time I had with the Lord as I encountered him through my holy imagination.

Journal Entry: Wednesday, April 24, 2024

I am in awe of your beauty, Lord God. I long to just bask in the glory of your presence and all that means. You are indeed a Prince among men, Highly Exalted and Greatly to be praised! You are glorious, high and lifted up! You are such a wonder to behold. I am humbled, bowed low and cherish being loved, known and seen by you.

Last week when I was encountering you, Jesus, through my holy imagination during the corporate worship at Gwen’s house, I was singing about the invitation from you into the Holy of Holies. As I passed through the torn, red velvet curtain, I was enveloped in glowing light that permeated the atmosphere and space. I just relished being there. Then I saw your face before me. It was radiant, beautiful, full of kindness and devotion towards me. And very, very still. Still like calm waters.  

As I looked into your face, everything around you glowed and shimmered with perfection, calmness and glory. The shimmering particles emanating from and around you were floating, glowing, sparkling and making a tinkling sound. I could also hear hushed sounds of the worship that is ever before the throne in heaven. I allowed myself to drink in all of the healing, closeness and peace from your intimate presence before me, Lord. 

We kept gazing deeply into each other's eyes. I was reminded of the scripture that I have been studying about me being the Apple of God’s Eye (Psalm 17:8) and how we are to make His Word the apple of our eye (Proverbs 7:2). I saw within the reflection of the iris of your eye, a cut, green apple ready for consumption. I just gazed deeper and deeper into your eyes as we feasted on one another’s passionate, pure devotion for the other.

You, Jesus, kept whispering to me, “I am the Bread of Life. I am the Bread of Life.” I saw a part of my my soul was an old fashioned white kiln for baking bread. There was smoke coming out of the chimney. You, Lord, came into my soul to bake yourself, the Bread of Life, inside the kiln of my soul so we could feast on You together. What incredible nourishment I received from you. What sheer delight, euphoria, meaning and private intimacy invaded me in these sacred moments.

You are my Beloved, you are my Joy, you are my Treasure, you are my Delight.

“Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.” Revelation 3:20 (NIV)


photo from Vistacreate


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