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Art Story: "Until Eternity is a Season" Considerations from Fleeting Permanence

Nanci Stoeffler, Stoeffler Art Studio, Blog post, Until Eternity is a Season
Until Eternity is a Season, 2019
My temperament enjoys what is fleeting and frivolous. However, I also long for things permanent and enduring. Seasons are sort of both, aren’t they? They appear for a few months and then disappear, melting into the next one. However, we also know they will come around again – ‘same time next year’. Their fleeting is laced with an imprint of forever.

And that’s something I sense in this painting. A recognition of the longing inside of me – stirred by the seasons – for all that is permanent, forever and eternal. I am thankful for the longing for it actually has been put there by God for a reason (Ecclesiastes 3:11), to help us remember this temporary, fading, fleeting world is not our true home. We were made for something more.

So, with each forming and fading season, I seek to hear the Voice of the of the Spirit, which whispers of another world – a true home; a permanent one. (Psalm 104, Revelation 21-22).


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