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ART STORY: "Birthing Dance" - The Necessity of Child-likeness


In all of us, there is a dance -- a movement of celebration and freedom, that we were created to inhabit. Or, that was meant to inhabit us.

Often as children -- we were free, uninhibited, child-like in our expressions of who we were, what we liked and what we felt. And some children, because of unhealthy circumstances were never able to enjoy this kind of freedom and joy. And as we’ve grown up, we feel that we must grow out of child-likeness. May we all come to understand: there is a difference between being childish and child-like.

My prayer as an artist is that I would encourage and inspire a place in your life to partner with the God of Creation to restored embrace the freedom of dance -- whatever that looks like --- unafraid of risk (for without risk, you do not have growth) unafraid of failure (for without failure, you do not become successful) and unafraid of rejection (for without rejection you do not become a Victor).

Come, Breath of God, and birth the dance of freedom, celebration and restored child-likeness to all who stop by to visit this painting and read it's story.

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